Hi, I'm Salamah, a Freelance Frontend Developer

I have a thing for writing codes and bringing ideas to life.

An avatar image of a lady wearing a pink Hijab
 A picture of a desktop setup

Curiosity killed the cat?!

So they say! But in this case, curiosity transitioned me from being an average microbiology undergrad to a frontend developer with experience developing tons of fully functional websites.

Hi, people call me Salamah and I am a frontend developer who is passionate about solving problems, improving user's experience and translating designs and requirements into utilizable codes. I am currently learning SASS

What I do

Website Development

I build and manage websites from its initial design to its completion using appropriate languages and technologies
With experience gathered from working with different clients, I write SEO friendly codes and also offer helpful assistance in writing an optimized website content.

Accessible Designs

As an advocate for web accessiblilty; I always put extra effort to ensure that all users, regardless of thier disablity or device get the most experience from using a website by strictly following HTML semantics and taking interactive elements into account.

Problem Solving

I love communicating ideas, challenging myself and transforming problems into an efficient and usable solution

Languages I speak
Interested in collaborating with me?

I'm always open to discussions, partnerships and open source contributions

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Organizations I have worked with

My Recent work

Screenshot of Dr luthhe website

A fully responsive website built with HTML, CSS and JS for a book launch with multiple sections and functionalilties.
Includes an anchor tag that leads users to place order on a book.

Screenshot of easy bank landing page

Landing page for a bank website bulit with React and Vanilla CSS. Fully responsive and interactive

Screenshot of Muslim appeal page

A multiple paged Website for a Nigerian charity organization that takes appeals for people in distress.

Screenshot of spar assistant home page

A web application built for my University's debate club.It is aimed to ease the way spar rounds are conducted in British Parliamentary style of Debating.
It has multiple feautures which are all a faster and better approach to the coventional use of paper and pens to run ballot.

Screenshot of learn math

Learn math is a website designed for little kids to help them learn basic arithmetry. It is colourful, highly intercative and built specifically for children.

Screenshot of expense tracker

Expense Tracker is a website that keeps tracks of day to day transactions.
Built with React, Tailwind and Context API

Need my Services?

I'm open to job roles, internships and freelance works

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